Saturday, August 16, 2003

(their origin has not been checked yet)

" The one who has come, has to go. Nobody can stay here.
Every moment keep your luggage packed.
Nobody knows when death will call. The warrant of death is like the arrest
warrant. One cannot think of appealing against it. Quickly one should leave off
everything and leave. Whatever is, wherever is, we have to leave and go. So, if
you are ready before, there will be not much of a difficulty, while leaving.
The one who is always ready to leave, will never be able to sin. Only by
forgetting the other world, one becomes immoral and licentious. If a man
remembers at every moment, that one day or the other, all will have to leave
this world, then he will never be able to bring in untruth and inappropriate
conduct into his life.

Think of it when our own Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather had to
leave, then how can we be able to stay? Since going is certain, keep ready from
the beginning, so that the travel will be comfortable. If you are not ready,
then you will face difficulties. Be aware not to act in such a way, that you
will have to regret for it while leaving.
If you are not cautious, you cannot escape from falling. It is the nature of
Samsara-Rriver, it will always try to take you downwards.

Involvement with the senses makes man multifaceted. Being multifaceted and with
involvement with Vasana makes it very difficult to have the Kshamata to
discern. So it is essential to be cautious always.

Whatever man does while living, be it good or bad, it comes to be remembered at
the moment of death. At the time of death, remembering the dreadful results of
ones evil actions, the soul starts repenting and hence becomes very sad.
Therefore one should always be cautious, such that no sin happens, so that one
has no regrets at the the time of death.

Worshiping Paramatman is highly profitable. Any amount of Time spent on it,
will get back to you with multifold interest.
It is such a type of business, where there is not even a doubt of loosing.

Worshiping Paramatman is always profitable. But the fact is that, one should be
fortunate enough to do profitable business. The unfortunate will always involve
himself in such a business, where loss is inevitable. It is surprising that
people put so much of effort making day and night into one, to gain wealth and
materials of comfort.

But no effort is put forth in activities that gain Paramatman, which is a
natural activity and can be done with ease. What an indiscretion!

The still more astonishing thing is, people are not putting attention on
Paramatman, who is the source of peace and happiness.
The people struggle hard to gain valueless baubles of daily living, day in and
day out. It is said: Gain one thing to gain everything - try to gain everything
and you will gain nothing.

By gaining Paramatman, everything will become automatic. If you leave
Paramatman and try to gain everything else, you will never be able to gain
Whatever is gained, will look so little, that you will not feel happy.

If you want to catch the shadow, catch the real thing and automatically the
shadow will be in your hands. Leaving the real, if you run after the shadow,
the faster you run, the faster it will run away from you. That is why, to run
after shadowy wealth and fame is foolhardy. Catch hold of the real - Paramtaman
- and all these will come by itself to be under your comand. Remember, that
remembering Paramatman is always highly profitable. Whatever time you put into
this, you will get back with multifold interest.
It is a waste to make much of your activity, so try to live quietly as long as
you have to live.

Even emperors like Chakravarti Dasaratha could not get all that they desired.
That is why, it is a great mistake to be distressed by involving oneself day and
night in trying to satisfy ones desires.

One should not forget, one day it is certain for us to move out of here!

Whatever program and in whatever condition it might be, and wherever it is we
are involved in, we have to leave it as it is and go. Everyone has to travel
alone. So do not be sad about things that we have no choice, but to leave.

As long as one has to live, live peacefully. It is certain, the work here can
never be completed. So do not make much out of doing. Work as it is, is a
waste. Lead this life with a peaceful mind, doing your duty and always
remembering Paramatman.

The Creator is Vishvambhara. He shoulders the duty to sustain and protect us.
And so, he will make arrangements. Without having faith in His support, if you
depend on your intellect and cleverness, deceit and craftiness, you will lead a
life of turbulence and the future path will also be darkened.
So, lead life in such a way, that you will be peaceful while living and making
your future path bright as well."